When we bought our house in April, we agreed the floor plan was perfect in every way, and the size was particularly awesome for now, and for growing. We also agreed that we wanted to redo the kitchen, paint the walls, and update a few other minor things like lighting, faucets, and windows. A few things are yet to be done (Kitchen Cabinets and a standing Wall Desk) but other than that, we feel pretty good about where we’ve come in the last 6 months. I thought I’d share a few pictures! You’ll be able to tell from the pictures that we live simply. We believe less is more. We also love bright, clean spaces.

Let’s start with the living space, because you know it’s where most of time is spent, right? Check out before and after…









Master Bedroom before was all dark burgundy paint, with black curtains. I’m beating up myself now because I didn’t get a great picture of it, but hopefully you can imagine a projector on the wall where our bed is, curtains completely covering all windows, with dark red walls. Here is the after! I like it much better when it was brightened up! We have a little paint and artwork to go up still, but overall I love it.


Master Bathroom was a darker navy color like this… I didn’t have a great picture before. I was trying to snap some pictures of the cabinets and forgot about the walls. 🙂 Before and after. Jonathan let me go with a robin egg color, and I know it’s girly, but I like it. It’s bright!


IMG_3462Truett’s room used to be home to a precious little girl, but had these bright green walls. That just wouldn’t do for a little boy. 🙂 So before and after…



Hall Bathroom before and after…


Guest Bedroom before and after…

IMG_3487Dining room before and after…




The laundry room before… which won’t be terribly impressive until the cabinets are redone in pure white. 🙂 I’ll check back and show you then! But still, the after is better with dark gray I think. 🙂


It’s a lot of work making a house a home! I’m saving the kitchen pictures, because that’s going to be the biggest shabang of all. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!